Saturday, December 28, 2013

A New Year Party Banner & a New Adventure

.........A New Year.........
A Party Banner & A New Adventure

I find myself too comfortable in the way I’ve always done things. I like routines, schedules, and familiar places. I like to know what I am getting into before I commit. I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions because I make little changes as I go rather than one big push for something new all at once.

This year I’m trying something different. I don’t have a specific resolution, just a challenge. I want to push myself to try new things. Jump into new projects and see what happens. Change is hard but how else do you grow?

I’ll start to step out of my comfort zone by learning something new. There are so many things I want to learn, photography, design on the computer, home improvement, business, painting, repairs, publishing…lots of stuff. If I get a chance, I’d like to share what I learn with all of you throughout the next year.

I’d like to challenge you to try this little adventure too by doing something outside of your comfort zone. Maybe we can try something new and learn together. What do you want to try?

P.S. Here is some inspiration for a New Years Party. Enjoy!

Have a Happy New Year!


  1. Good for you. I have two resolutions. First, to get Sawyer back on a schedule (which means waking up at a decent time) and second, too eat less sugar. So far I'm doing great! :)

    1. Good luck with your resolutions Tara. I'm sure you will achieve anything you choose to. For me cutting out sugar would be so hard...cookies just make me happy.

    2. Me too. That's why I decided to cut back instead of cut out. I'm trying to be realistic. :)
