Friday, December 6, 2013

Remember the Reason Scripture Booklet

..Remember the Reason..
A Scripture a Day Booklet

This next craft is really simple and easy to make but takes some thought to find which scriptures to include. The craft is a cute little booklet of scriptures for each day leading up to Christmas. It doesn't necessarily have to start on December first. It could be just for the last week or two. Each page opens up to reveal a scripture about what Christmas is about, the story of Christ's birth, or something Jesus taught.

One of Christ's teachings that I thought was perfect for the season was "Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" [Matthew 25:40]. This is a great opportunity to talk about when we give gifts to each other and do nice things for each other, it is like a birthday presents for Jesus. This is one of my favorites but you could use any scriptures that are meaningful to you.

Here are the instructions if you would like to make this craft for your family, a close friend, or a missionary:

I have another Christmas craft to share with you soon. Until then have a wonderful day!


  1. That would also be cute to put titles of Christmas stories that you read every night for bedtime. :)

    1. That is a great idea. You could use it for lots of different things
