Saturday, November 16, 2013

Give Thanks Cards

.............Give Thanks..............
Thank You Cards from the Heart

I am so grateful for all the kind people in my life. They don’t hear how wonderful they are half as often as they should. They keep doing sweet things anyway. 

This Thanksgiving season has inspired me to try to take more time to show my appreciation for all the little acts of kindness that usually go unnoticed. In the spirit of this gratitude, I have some handmade thank you cards to share with you.

Do you have someone in your life that you are especially grateful for? Have you heard of any creative way to give thanks? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you would like to make a thank you card for some thoughtful person in your life, here are some instructions to help you out.

Thank You Template
for personal use only please
(Scale & Print to the size of your card)

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Come back soon.


  1. Replies
    1. The leaf one is my favorite too. I want to make a fall framed art piece like it for my blank walls. We will see if I ever get time for that project. There are hundreds of projects I would love to make that never get past the idea stage. Oh to have all the time in the world...what I would do with forever.
