Thursday, November 14, 2013

Handmade Ornaments Paper Pinecones

..Handmade Ornaments..
Some Pretty Paper Pinecones

Festive and fun, these handmade ornaments take a little while to make but add a lot of personality to your space. They are not hard to create either. You can get the whole family involved and have some wonderful time together as well as pretty paper pinecones!

Usually I don't want Christmas Holiday things before Thanksgiving. However today is an exception because I was so excited to see JoAnn Craft & Fabric tweet about my paper pinecones! I just had to share them right now. The store featured my project in their tweet and on their website too. Here are the links to the feature on their website if you want to see:

Below are the instructions to make your own paper pinecones. I hope you enjoy them even if it is a bit early.


  1. You are pretty dang awesome! Those are pretty dang cute pinecones.
