Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all Hostess Gift

...Happy Fall Y'all...
Tile Coaster Hostess Gifts

Happy fall to y’all! No I’m not from the south, but “y’all” is just so fun to say that I couldn't resist. The best part about this lovely fall season is that it has so many reasons to gather friends and family together. Between the holidays and birthdays, we are always going over to someone’s home or someone is coming to ours.

With all this hospitality, I think a simple hostess gift is in order. If you don’t cook, but want to bring a little handmade bit of gratitude to your next gathering, I have the perfect little gift idea. At my friends craft-get-together, we made these tile coasters. They are the perfect little hostess gifts or even fun neighbor gifts for Christmas. I made this set for my sweet sister-in-law, Tara. Y’all should try making some too.

Thanks for visiting.
Come again!

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